260 research outputs found

    Is undergraduate programme accreditation influenced by educational public policy quality indicators? An exploratory study of the Chilean Higher Education quality assurance system

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    In Chile, as well as in most of Latin America, public policies for higher education have recently adopted a focus on quality assurance and accreditation systems. Uncertainty, however, still exists in terms of the quality assurance consistency in the current Chilean accreditation system, especially in terms of the relation between public policy quality indicators for higher education and their relation to accreditation outcomes. Therefore, the aim of this study was to make a first explorative attempt to investigate the relationships between these indicators and the results of undergraduate programme accreditation. We hypothesised that the public policy quality indicators of first-year drop-out rate, employment at graduation and ratio of actual to expected time to graduation would be strongly correlated to undergraduate programme accreditation as well as largely explaining its accreditation-year variance. By means of correlation and multiple regression analyses, we found small-sized associations, being first-year drop-out the only significant predictor of programme accreditation, explaining a 9.4% of its variance. These results raise questions regarding the consistency between the aims of public policy for higher education and the current accreditation system. This study should be of value to policy makers, managers and curriculum developers in terms of this initial analysis of the consistency between quality indicators and the accreditation system. Further research is necessary to make a systematic and in-depth assessment of the impact of quality assurance mechanisms to provide better rationale for making important decisions such as when defining the characteristics of the accrediting institutions as well as for establishing effective ways to achieve the proposed public policy objectives

    Atributos de una docencia de calidad en la educación superior: una revisión sistemática

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    a presente revisión analiza de forma sistemática los atributos de una docencia de calidad en la educación superior, extrayendo información sobre características y cualidades que constituyen una docencia de 'excelencia'. La búsqueda documental se llevó a cabo a través de la triangulación de diversas fuentes, identificando 25 artículos. Mediante un análisis temático, dos autores de forma independiente analizaron y codificaron los atributos de un docente de calidad, clasificándolos en tres competencias: las genéricas (características personales, actitudinales y comunicativas); las pedagógicas (estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje y de planificación-gestión); y las disciplinares. Se presentan sus implicancias y sus indicadores específicos. Las características identificadas son factibles de ser modificadas, aprendidas y entrenadas. Estudiantes y profesores resaltan la necesidad fundamental de prepararse para ser profesor universitario, teniendo presente el papel crucial que juegan las variables de tipo genéricas, pedagógicas y disciplinares, tanto en la interacción profesor-estudiante como en la facilitación del aprendizaje

    Closing the gap between business undergraduate education and the organisational environment: A Chilean case study applying experiential learning theory

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    In response to the continuous changes in Latin American higher education and the increasing demands for better prepared professionals, the Learning Connected to the Organisational Environment method was introduced in the course of Marketing at one public University in Chile. This was aimed as an integrated approach to education, providing pedagogical and social value by connecting organisations and real challenges with the learning objectives. This paper describes its design, implementation and initial impact on students’ learning process. Results on the impact of the LCOE method show that students valued learning with this new initiative (n = 158) and showed higher performance and improved quality of their written reports, along with higher evaluations of the teaching staff compared to students in the same course learning with traditional methods (n = 158). Discussion is centred on the value of this initiative and on suggestions for transference and future research

    O cinema iraniano de Abbas Kiarostami e Jafar Panahi : as faces de uma arte velada

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, 2019.Neste trabalho, buscamos traçar um panorama do cinema e da arte iranianos, passando pela história do antigo Império Persa – que teve início na região hoje correspondente ao Irã –, procurando demonstrar o sofrimento do povo desse país, decorrente do regime vivido e imposto pelos mais poderosos. É interessante observar como, mesmo sob tanta censura e violência, os iranianos conseguem realizar trabalhos tão maravilhosos e de tão alta qualidade técnica. Não se vê um tiro de fuzil, uma cena de violência, porém percebe-se um sutil incômodo gerado pela arte produzida. Foram escolhidos dois diretores para a análise desenvolvida neste estudo: Abbas Kiarostami e Jafar Panahi. A obra de ambos não servirá apenas para uma análise fílmica, mas também para o estabelecimento de um diálogo entre a arte e a cultura do Irã, a partir da discussão de aspectos relativos à opressão da mulher e até mesmo à construção de uma visão ocidentalizada desse Oriente que pouco conhecemos. Também, neste texto, poderemos compreender um pouco mais sobre o papel do cinema iraniano na sociedade atual e as questões sociais associadas aos filmes, muitas vezes implícitas em subtextos ou metafóricas da realidade, visto que, devido ao regime vigente, muitas vezes o que era vivido não podia ser demonstrado diretamente. Outro fato curioso, apontado por Alessandra Meleiro (2014), é de que o cinema é a manifestação artística cultural mais apreciada pelos jovens iranianos na atualidade. Para a geração de Kiarostami e Panahi,porém, a poesia era um elemento central, um dos motores da renovação intelectual do país e, inclusive, uma das mais poderosas e emblemáticas armas contra o governo.In the following work, my objective is to seek bringing a view of Iranian cinema and art. Witch art lives lives under the aim of fa d dictatorial and ext and living with the power of the most powerful there. For evaluation in the same, even under censorship and violence, the Iranians must be executed, there is no rifle shot, a scene of violence, and however, one perceives a subtle annoyance in their art. The two meanings for this analysis, Abbas Kiasrostami and Jafar Panahi, a work of them, served not only for a film analysis but also for a dialogue of art with Iranian culture, the rise of aspects, the oppression of women and women. If I even, speak of a Westernized vision of this East that we know little. In addition, in this text, we will be able to understand a little more the role of Iranian cinema in today's society. The chance to become a social disease associated with Iranian films, often implicit in subtexts or metaphors of reality. Because due to the lived regime, sometimes what was lived could not be serialized directly. Another curious fact, brought by Alessandra Meleiro, is that cinema is a new manifestation of art by young Iranians today. For the generation of Kiarostami and Panahi, but the era of a central element, it was one of the most powerful and emblematic forms of arms against the government. To this end, you can also take a thorough knowledge of the history of the Persian Empire, which today is called Iran

    La importancia de la educación interprofesional en la enseñanza de la odontología: una revisión sistemática exploratoria analizando el dónde, el porqué y el cómo

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    En años recientes, la educación interprofesional ha aumentado su popularidad en la formación de odontólogos con el fin de facilitar la colaboración entre los miembros del equipo de salud y mejorar la calidad en la atención profesional. Por consiguiente, el propósito de este estudio es describir y analizar dónde, por qué y cómo se está realizando la educación interprofesional en la enseñanza de la odontología. Se realizó una revisión sistemática exploratoria a través de la búsqueda en diversas bases de datos, revistas relevantes, y literatura gris. Posteriormente se llevó a cabo un análisis temático para sintetizar la información. Treinta artículos fueron seleccionados, en su mayoría realizados en contextos norteamericanos y europeos, y en conjunto principalmente con estudiantes de medicina, enfermería y farmacia. La principal justificación para incorporar este tipo de enseñanza fue la necesidad de fomentar y valorar el trabajo en equipo para responder a las necesidades de salud de la actual población. El aprendizaje en equipos, la resolución de problemas, y el método de casos fueron las estrategias comúnmente empleadas, reportándose cambios positivos en habilidades de comunicación y colaboración entre los estudiantes. La discusión se centra en los beneficios y recomendaciones al planificar instancias de educación interprofesional en la enseñanza de la odontología

    Presencia de bruxismo de sueño en pacientes con otros trastornos del sueño, al ser sometidos a estudio polisomnográfico, mediante dos montajes electromiográficos distintos, en un centro hospitalario de la Región Metropolitana

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    Tesis (Cirujano Dentista)El sistema estomatognático es una unidad biológica funcional donde todos sus componentes: dientes, huesos maxilares, músculos, tejidos blandos y articulaciones temporomandibulares, forman parte de una sola unidad. Diseñado para llevar a cabo las tareas de la masticación, fonación y deglución, consideradas sus funciones básicas, las que efectúa bajo un complejo sistema de control neuromuscular. Es por esto, que cualquier falla en uno de sus componentes repercute de diversa forma en los demás (1 )Esto permite inferir que existe una estrecha relación entre estructuras morfológicas, como las piezas dentarias y ATM's, y el sistema nervioso central y periférico, con las estructuras que componen el sistema estomatognático. La palabra "Bruxismo" se traduce del griego brychien, que designa la pulverización de los dientes <2J. Tal vez la primera referencia se encuentra en los textos del Antiguo Testamento cuando se habla del "crujir y rechinar de dientes" en relación con los castigos eternos. A través de la historia de la Odontología se encuentran menciones precisas al respecto. Karolyi (1902), mencionaba que prácticamente todos los seres humanos en algún período de su vida ejercían fuerzas anormales en su sistema masticatorio. En 1907 apareció por primera vez el término Bruxomanía, en una publicación francesa, por Marie y Ptiekievicz. Luego Tischler en 1928 lo calificó como un "hábito oclusal neurótico". De allí Frohmann (1931) acuñó el término de Bruxismo para identificar un problema dentario desencadenado por el movimiento mandibular anorma

    Contrasting student and staff perceptions of preclinical‐to‐clinical transition at a Chilean dental school

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    Introduction: Dental education is a challenging and demanding field of study as students are expected to acquire various competencies to fulfil their professional requirements after graduation. The objective of this study was to investigate and compare dental students' and clinical staff instructors' perceptions of the preclinical-to-clinical transition training at a Dental School in Santiago, Chile. Material and Methods: Two questionnaires containing 11 quantitative and one qualitative item were developed to assess our year three, four and five (n = 244) dental undergraduate students' challenges when they begin treating patients, and clinical staff (n = 78) perceptions of the preparedness to treat patients of the same students. Both questionnaires were voluntarily and anonymously implemented eight weeks after the beginning of the 2019 academic year. Responses were analysed using a Chi-squared test for each quantitative question, while qualitative comments were studied to form themes and dimensions. RESULTS: A total of 234 (96%) students and 60 (77%) instructors completed their respective questionnaire. There were considerable variations between students in the different years of the programme, as well as between students and staff members. Students and instructors felt the former had enough knowledge to treat patients though it was difficult for them to apply it in clinical practice. Again, both believed they could communicate with patients, but third year students asked for more training on this. Regarding practical skills, fourth- and fifth-year students felt prepared but not third year students, who preferred to work in pairs with senior students, a preference that was shared by the instructors. All student groups asked clinical staff to provide more frequent, constructive and consistent feedback and felt that the difference between simulation and clinical environments and the amount of clinical work to fulfil clinical requirements made them feel stressed. Another mentioned stressor was students' low self-confidence when working with patients. Among the requested improvements, students requested better training on how the dental clinic works to save time. Conclusions: Preclinical-to-clinical transition training presents several challenges. Some of the problems highlighted by both students and clinical staff members persisted with the transition after three, four and even five years of training, which needs to be addressed

    1° Perception

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    Florès César, Orsini F., Piéron Henri, Vurpillot Eliane. 1° Perception. In: L'année psychologique. 1956 vol. 56, n°2. pp. 492-500

    1° Perception

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    Florès César, Orsini F., Piéron Henri, Vurpillot Eliane. 1° Perception. In: L'année psychologique. 1956 vol. 56, n°2. pp. 492-500